================================== Avventura nel castello v.1 e v.2 ================================== Copyright (C) Dinosoft 1982-2001 Enrico Colombini & Chiara Tovena Freeware edition 2001: freely redistributable if not changed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are the first two versions of "Avventura nel castello", the first Italian computer adventure game (for Apple II). NOTE: playing this game requires a fairly good knowledge of the Italian language, especially for some of the puzzles. Included files: Leggimi.txt Italian version of this file Readme.txt this file C101.txt information about version 1 C101.dsk Apple ][ - IIe disk of version 1, compiled C101src.dsk Apple ][ - IIe disk of version 1, playable source C201.txt information about version 2 C201.dsk Apple IIe - //c disk of version 2, compiled C201src.dsk Apple IIe - //c disk of version 2, playable source For more information (addresses may change): http://www.cityline.it/personal/erix/avventure.html (in Italian) mailto://erix@mclink.it (Enrico Colombini)