A 4am crack                  2014-04-29

ColorMe: The Computer Coloring Kit is a
double hi-res paint program, marketed
as "a computer coloring program
especially for children." It was
released in 1985 and distributed by
Mindscape, Inc. under the "Sprout"
software brand ("Fun learning software
for ages 4 and up").

COPYA immediately fails to read the
disk. EDD 4 bit copy gives no read
errors, but the copy does not work. It
boots, ponders the meaning of life,
then reboots. My trusty Copy ][+ nibble
editor shows standard address and data
prologue on all tracks, but a
non-standard epilogue. My trusty Copy
][+ sector editor, when patched to
ignore epilogues and checksums ("P" to
get to "Sector Editor Patcher," then
select "DOS 3.3 Patched"), is able to
read every sector on every track. That
means I should be able to convert this
to a standard disk with a $B942 patch.

[S6D1=DOS 3.3 master disk]

]CALL -151
*B942:18   <-- ignore errors on address
               and data epilogues

[S6D1=original disk]
[S6D2=blank disk]

...read read read...
...grind grind grind...
...write write write...

OK, COPYA finished successfully. COPYA
is very proud of itself. COPYA is a
good boy. COPYA gets a gold star and a
participation trophy.

Of course, the copy that it creates
doesn't actually work (it reboots, just
like the bit copy I made with EDD 4),
but COPYA is blissfully ignorant of its
failure. The Dunning-Kruger effect in
all its 8-bit glory.

Time to bring out the big guns.

[S6D1=original disk]
[S5D1=my work disk]

...reboots slot 6...
...reboots slot 5...

]CALL -151

0801-   A5 27       LDA   $27
0803-   C9 09       CMP   #$09
0805-   D0 13       BNE   $081A
0807-   8D 0C C0    STA   $C00C
080A-   8D 00 C0    STA   $C000
080D-   8A          TXA
080E-   4A          LSR
080F-   4A          LSR
0810-   4A          LSR
0811-   4A          LSR
0812-   09 C0       ORA   #$C0
0814-   85 3F       STA   $3F
0816-   A9 5C       LDA   #$5C
0818-   85 3E       STA   $3E
081A-   CE 75 08    DEC   $0875
081D-   30 03       BMI   $0822
081F-   6C 3E 00    JMP   ($003E)
0822-   4C 00 16    JMP   $1600

Interesting. An entirely custom boot0
routine. It reuses the disk controller
ROM routine at $C65C to read more
sectors from track 0, in ascending
order, into ascending memory addresses.


0875- 0F

Looks like it's reading the entire rest
of track 0 into $0900..$17FF.

Let's see what's at $1600.


96F8-   A9 4C       LDA   #$4C
96FA-   8D 22 08    STA   $0822
96FD-   A9 0A       LDA   #$0A
96FF-   8D 23 08    STA   $0823
9702-   A9 97       LDA   #$97
9704-   8D 24 08    STA   $0824
9707-   4C 01 08    JMP   $0801
970A-   AD E8 C0    LDA   $C0E8
970D-   A2 10       LDX   #$10
970F-   B9 00 08    LDA   $0800,Y
9712-   99 00 28    STA   $2800,Y
9715-   C8          INY
9716-   D0 F7       BNE   $970F
9718-   EE 11 97    INC   $9711
971B-   EE 14 97    INC   $9714
971E-   CA          DEX
971F-   D0 EE       BNE   $970F
9721-   4C 00 C5    JMP   $C500

*BSAVE TRACE1,A$9600,L$124
...reboots slot 6...
...reboots slot 5...

]BSAVE BOOT1,A$2800,L$1000
]CALL -151

; save some zero page state
1600-   A2 FF       LDX   #$FF
1602-   B5 00       LDA   $00,X
1604-   9D 00 30    STA   $3000,X
1607-   CA          DEX
1608-   D0 F8       BNE   $1602
160A-   A9 0A       LDA   #$0A
160C-   85 50       STA   $50

; turn on the disk motor and go into
; read mode
160E-   A6 2B       LDX   $2B
1610-   BD 89 C0    LDA   $C089,X
1613-   BD 8E C0    LDA   $C08E,X

1616-   A9 96       LDA   #$96
1618-   85 48       STA   $48
161A-   A9 16       LDA   #$16
161C-   85 49       STA   $49
161E-   A9 80       LDA   #$80
1620-   85 51       STA   $51

; looks like the beginnings of a nibble
; check, with the failure path leading
; to $168F
1622-   C6 51       DEC   $51
1624-   F0 69       BEQ   $168F
1626-   20 9E 16    JSR   $169E
1629-   B0 64       BCS   $168F
162B-   A5 2D       LDA   $2D
162D-   C9 0D       CMP   #$0D
162F-   D0 F1       BNE   $1622

; search for "D5" nibble
1631-   A0 00       LDY   #$00
1633-   BD 8C C0    LDA   $C08C,X
1636-   10 FB       BPL   $1633
1638-   88          DEY
1639-   F0 54       BEQ   $168F
163B-   C9 D5       CMP   #$D5
163D-   D0 F4       BNE   $1633

; several "E7" nibbles
163F-   A0 00       LDY   #$00
1641-   BD 8C C0    LDA   $C08C,X
1644-   10 FB       BPL   $1641
1646-   88          DEY
1647-   F0 46       BEQ   $168F
1649-   C9 E7       CMP   #$E7
164B-   D0 F4       BNE   $1641
164D-   BD 8C C0    LDA   $C08C,X
1650-   10 FB       BPL   $164D
1652-   C9 E7       CMP   #$E7
1654-   D0 39       BNE   $168F
1656-   BD 8C C0    LDA   $C08C,X
1659-   10 FB       BPL   $1656
165B-   C9 E7       CMP   #$E7
165D-   D0 30       BNE   $168F
165F-   BD 8D C0    LDA   $C08D,X
1662-   A0 10       LDY   #$10
1664-   24 06       BIT   $06

; "EE"
1666-   BD 8C C0    LDA   $C08C,X
1669-   10 FB       BPL   $1666
166B-   88          DEY
166C-   F0 21       BEQ   $168F
166E-   C9 EE       CMP   #$EE
1670-   D0 F4       BNE   $1666

; more nibbles (sequence is stored
; at $1696)
1672-   A0 07       LDY   #$07
1674-   BD 8C C0    LDA   $C08C,X
1677-   10 FB       BPL   $1674
1679-   D1 48       CMP   ($48),Y
167B-   D0 12       BNE   $168F
167D-   88          DEY
167E-   10 F4       BPL   $1674

; restore zero page state
1680-   A2 FF       LDX   #$FF
1682-   BD 00 30    LDA   $3000,X
1685-   95 00       STA   $00,X
1687-   CA          DEX
1688-   D0 F8       BNE   $1682

; success path continues execution
$ at $1706
168A-   A2 60       LDX   #$60
168C-   4C 06 17    JMP   $1706

; failure path eventually reboots
168F-   C6 50       DEC   $50
1691-   D0 8B       BNE   $161E
1693-   4C 00 C6    JMP   $C600

That explains the behavior I saw on my
non-working copy: boot, pause,
reboot. The pause was a combination of
the boot0 code reading track 0 (slowly
and inefficiently) and this routine
failing a nibble check (relatively
quick, but still takes some time).


1706-   A2 60       LDX   #$60
1708-   9D 80 C0    STA   $C080,X
170B-   A2 63       LDX   #$63
170D-   9D 80 C0    STA   $C080,X
1710-   A9 60       LDA   #$60
1712-   20 76 0A    JSR   $0A76

That's manually moving the drive
stepper motors, probably to advance to
track 1 so it can load the rest of the
disk. Interestingly, LDX is set to $60
twice in a row -- once at $168A (just
before the jump) and once at $1706
(just after). Combine that with the
fact that the nibble check has no
long-term side effects, and I bet I can
just bypass the whole thing by jumping
to $1706 instead of $1600 back in the
boot0 code in T00,S00.

T00,S00,$23 change "00 16" to "06 17"

Success! The rest of the program loads
and runs without complaint. There
doesn't appear to be any further copy

I also have two picture disks designed
to be used with ColorMe.

- ColorMe "Hugga Bunch" picture disk
  (two sides)
- ColorMe "Tink!Tonk!" picture disk
  (two sides)

These disks are not bootable (well,
technically they boot long enough to
display a message that they're just
data disks and that you should boot the
program disk instead), but they use the
same non-standard epilogue sequences as
the ColorMe program disk. Using the
$B942:18 trick allows COPYA to convert
each of the picture disks to a standard

Quod erat liberandum.

A 4am crack                      No. 25